Application Guidance

Summer 2024

The focus of our grant-making is to fund the delivery of activities which improves people's ability to become more financially capable in their present and future circumstances.

We have adopted a two-stage application process, in a bid to save prospective applicants time and resource and for the Charity receiving inappropriate applications.

Pre-application - Eligibility Quiz - check your organisation meets our general grant making criteria by completing our online quiz. Completing the quiz is the best way to discover whether or not we could potentially fund your organisation.  More details can be found by looking at our Frequently Asked Questions page. 

Stage 1 -  Outline Proposal - this is a brief form that enables you to tell us about your organisation and proposed financial capability project.  See guidance below.

Stage 2 - Full Application - once the Grants Panel have considered your outline proposal, invited short-listed applicants will be required to complete a full application form. This will require more detailed information to be provided, about your organisation; the project - evidence of need, the activities; the team's experience; the outcomes you are hoping to achieve; a detailed project budget; two professional referees, and submission of supporting documents -  your latest Accounts and a recent bank statement.

Key dates and milestones for the Summer 2024 grant round

Stage 1 - Closes at noon 12 July 2024

Stage 1 -  Outline Proposal 

Access to the online form is dependent on your organisation completing successfully the Eligibility Quiz.

If you would like to review the Outline Proposal questions you can view here or download herePlease note the questions are only to help you prepare and complete the online form - we do not accept applications submitted via the question template. 

As a specialist activity based-funder, how your proposed project supports our charity's vision is really important.  

Just as a reminder, The MSE Charity's vision is "to give grants to non profit organisations to deliver activities which make a lasting impact on how people think, behave and manage their money". 

Please review some current and recent projects that we have funded to give you an idea of the different type of activities we are able to fund.  

Examples of activities we could fund:

Examples of activities we can't fund:

Grant Budget Request

At this stage, you don't need to complete a full budget - you just need to give us an indication of how much the proposed project is likely to cost, the maximum request is £10,000.

We support full cost recovery, this means that you can request funding for direct project costs and for a proportionate share of your organisation's overheads up to a maximum of 15% of your project budget.

Please note we fund up to a maximum of £500 per application for essential IT equipment for project delivery. 

Please review this example below, which gives you an idea of items you could include in costing a project budget. 

You can submit an Outline Proposal up to Friday 31 July, but please note we may close early if we have received too many Outline Proposals. 

URGENT UPDATE - Grant round closing at noon on Friday 12 July

The Grants Advisory Panel will consider and review the Outline Proposals received, and make decisions on which organisations to invite to make a Stage 2 application during August. All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their Stage 1 application by Friday 30 August 2024. 

Please note - If you are not sure how to answer any questions, or need additional support to access, we will be happy to help. Please email in the first instance and we can answer your query, or we can arrange a phone call back.

Stage 2 - Application Guidance

To be updated, check back soon.

Grant Evaluation, Monitoring and Reporting

As part of the Terms & Conditions of any grant we offer, two mandatory reports are required to be completed, the Interim Progress Report (around 6 months) and an End of Grant Project Feedback Report

Please make yourself aware before you apply, what information we expect to receive from your organisation in return. 

The final 10% of any grant agreed, is withheld until satisfactory completion of the grant reports.  

Future applications will not be considered if the reports have not been returned.