
Founded by Martin Lewis CBE

The MSE Charity is a grant-making charity, it was launched in May 2008 by founder of the acclaimed Money Saving Expert website, Martin Lewis CBE. It is dedicated to improving information and education about debt, money and consumer issues in the UK. Companies spend billions on advertising, marketing and teaching their staff to sell – yet we get no buyers' training. The UK is in debt crisis, a whole generation is in debt up to its ears.

The MSE Charity is designed to try and break that cycle of debt.  

A donation of £235,000 was made to launch the Charity, and substantial donations from the Money Saving Expert website are given annually to the Charity. The operational costs of running the Charity are met separately by a personal donation from Martin. 

For the many who’ve said they’d like to donate to MoneySavingExpert.com as it’s saved them money, please donate to the MSE Charity. 

You can donate online, or by sending a cheque payable to the MSE Charity to its treasurer, c/o Mony Group, 1 Dean Street, London, England, W1D 3RB.  If you prefer to pay by cheque and your donation is eligible for Gift Aid please complete our Gift Aid Declaration Form. 

Up to December 2022 we have supported over 295 projects and made grants totalling over £1,279,629.


Martin Lewis CBE  

Money Saving Expert, and TV's Money guru, Martin is the creator of MoneySavingExpert.com, the founder of this charity and the Money and Mental Health Policy Institute. An ultra-specialised journalist Martin is passionate about financial education, debt education and consumer empowerment.  Read Martin's full biography here.  


Katija (Teej) Dew

Teej is the Chair of Trustees of the Charity and has been a member of the MSE GAP since 2011. Living in South Wales she has worked in debt advice, social enterprise, financial inclusion and tackling poverty in the public and third sectors, at the Wales Co-operative Centre as Programme Director and Financial Inclusion Champion for Wales. Identifying the parallels between managing personal health and managing personal money, Teej is passionate about helping people to take control of these aspects of their lives and about fair access to the tools and services that support them to do so. As such she has been appointed as an Independent Member to Aneurin Bevan Health Board.

Vanessa Bissessur

Vanessa lives in London and has been a member of the MSE GAP since its inception and has served as a Trustee of the Charity since November 2009. She has experience of managing services within the charity sector, including managing various grant-giving programmes for individuals, organisations and grass-root initiatives and community schemes. Vanessa has also previously worked for the Citizens Advice Bureau and the British Red Cross, and is passionate about supporting and empowering people in creating positive change, by providing opportunities, support and funding.

Clarissa Coleman

Clarissa is a Litigation partner at DAC Beachcroft LLP and has served as a Trustee of the Charitysince 2015. She specialises in high value multi-jurisdictional commercial disputes.  She has been involved in pro bono litigation since she qualified and was involved in the National Autistic Society advocacy scheme.  She is also a member of The Anne Frank UK Trust Fundraising Committee.

Marcus Herbert

Marcus is the Editor-in-Chief of MoneySavingExpert.com. He joined MSE in September 2018, after a long career at the BBC. His background is in news – he was an editor on Newsnight for many years, and a producer in the BBC’s bureaus in Moscow, Washington and New York. He’s also worked as a science producer and commissioner for the BBC, winning him a BAFTA and a Grierson award for his documentaries. Most recently he was the Head of Online for BBC Scotland, where he led teams making digital content for audiences in Scotland and the UK, and worked with colleagues across the BBC to help shape its digital strategy. He’s married with three children. 

Arieh Gilbert

Arieh joined the MSE Charity in 2023 as a Trustee to lead on finance and as a member of the GAP. He has worked for a number of years in the Insurance industry with a focus on strategy, mergers & acquisitions, and business performance. Arieh is a qualified accountant and has supported charities in a range of roles mostly focused on financial and strategic areas. He believes strongly in giving people the tools and knowledge to manage their finances appropriately and is excited to be a part of the MSE Charity where this is at the heart of what they are trying to achieve.   

Katie Davies

Katie was one of the founding members of the MSE GAP in 2008, and has served as a Trustee of the Charity since November 2009. She now works part time as the MSE Charity’s Operations Manager. Previously she spent several years as a grant-making trust researcher for a fundraising consultancy in Norfolk. Voluntary roles have included collecting for her local Credit Union, and working as a CAB Debt Advice worker. Currently she volunteers for her local Foodbank, and a community cafe.   

Grant Advisory Panel

To support the work of the charity a voluntary group called the Grant Advisory Panel (GAP) assesses, makes recommendations and decisions on all accepted grant applications, and supports the work of the Board of Trustees. This Panel is recruited from Trustees, employees and users of MoneySavingExpert.com. We are always on the look out for new members, so if you would like to volunteer, please contact us.

Pat Kattri

Pat lives in Birmingham and has been a member of the GAP since 2014. Her experience was gained through working for Birmingham City Council as a Principal Regeneration Officer. During her time with the Council she managed a range of different grant programmes and provided support to many different voluntary and community organisations and businesses.  Pat is married and has two grown up children and is kept busy helping with her three grandsons. In her spare time she enjoys walking, travelling and playing golf.

Maxine Norris

Max lives in Hertfordshire and has been a member of the GAP since 2014.  Following a City career in corporate finance, Max took a sabbatical to raise her family returning to the financial services industry to specialise in corporate and social responsibility. She is experienced in devising and developing community support programmes as well as being a pioneer and promoter of life long personal money management; Max is currently Chair of the North East London Young Enterprise Board.  Max also enjoys meeting friends at the gym, watching Chelsea FC and all types of travel and adventure.

Derek Dayman

Derek lives in Dorset and joined the GAP in May 2019. His work experience is broad; ranging from social services, teaching in secondary/higher education and with the National Probation Service. He currently works in the voluntary sector as the Financial Projects Manager for Faithworks Wessex. He manages a team of FCA authorised debt advisers located in a growing number of community hubs,  and delivers financial capability training workshops in local schools, colleges, community groups and for the Probation Service. He feels strongly in the value of money education as a key to preventing debt and its effects on a family’s overall health and relationships.  Derek is married with two grown up sons, one having died of cancer in July 2017, with a daughter-in-law and grandson in Australia. He is a presenter on local community radio, enjoys music, and model railways. 

Neil Mackenzie

Neil, from Croydon in South London, joined the GAP in February 2020. With a background in banking and accountancy Neil has also completed a post graduate diploma in charity finance.  After taking early retirement he is now a part time administrator at a local church. He was finance governor at a local primary school for 4 years and still supports them voluntarily with internal audit work.  His other previous voluntary roles have been with mental health and children’s charities. As well as playing golf, Neil’s main interest is in the Great War and he is involved in several related research projects. 

Katie Watts

Katie lives in Hertfordshire and joined the GAP in March 2022. She is MoneySavingExpert's Campaign Lead, fighting consumers' corner alongside Martin Lewis CBE, working with regulators, governments, consumer groups and industry. She was previously MSE's Senior Communications Manager.  Previously a short film producer, Katie loves movies, especially the golden age Hollywood classics. In her spare time, you can find her open water swimming - when the water is warm enough! She's also a keen volunteer, running a Guides and Scouts unit at Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital and fundraises for a child protection charity, Dot Com Children's Foundation.

Geoff Hill - former GAP Member 2014-2019

Geoff lived in the Yorkshire Dales, and had been a member of the GAP since 2014. Geoff had a post-graduate qualification in community development, and spent all his working life in the voluntary sector; both of these had been in pursuit of his belief in empowering people. Through his work in Councils of Voluntary Service he worked in areas as diverse as recycling, health promotion and skills exchanges. For over 40 years, he provided the secretariat to a small and innovative Leeds-based grant-making trust, the Metcalfe Smith Trust.  Geoff was a committee member of the Yorkshire Grant Makers' Forum.   Diagnosed with aggressive cancer in the summer of 2017, Geoff continued to support grant assessing for us for as long as possible while well enough, he died, peacefully and comfortably, in late April 2019.